Let's hear from
our members
about Butterflies expansion across South Essex

Our members have lots of fabulous ideas and big aspirations for what they would like to do with their club.
They are a big part of the planning processes throughout the organisation.

Club Logo
Club Logo
The Children and young people chose and voted on the design and colours of the badge and we decorated our Hockley clubhouse in the same colours!

Clubs at Butterflies

Caterpillars Preschool
Caterpillars Preschool
Caterpillars Preschool is for ages 2-4 years old and is a fully inclusive preschool.
We currently run our Caterpillars preschool at our Hockley clubhouse on a Monday, Tuesday & Thursday.
Email jac@butterfliesclub.co.uk for more information on our preschool.

Caterpillars Club
Caterpillars Club is a parent & Toddler session for 0-4 year olds.
We will be running our Caterpillars
Each session has a different theme for the activities. In the Caterpillars club we will be supporting peer interaction and exploring our surroundings through play.
These are hall based sessions lead by the Butterflies staff.

Flutter Club is for school school children ages 4-8 years.
Flutter sessions will be a range of hall based and community based sessions, where your child takes part in a range of structured activities. In the Flutter club we will begin working on the first steps of independence and practising social skills by supporting the creation and maintaining of friendships.
These are sessions where your child stays independently cared for by the Butterflies staff.

Butterflies Club
Butterflies Club is for children
ages 8-14 years.
Butterflies sessions will be a range of hall based and community based sessions, where your child takes part in a range of structured activities. In the Butterflies club we will be working on promoting independence and practising social skills within the groups.
These are sessions where your child stays independently cared for by the Butterflies staff.

Soaring Club
Soaring club is for young people ages 15-19 years.
Soaring sessions will be a range of hall based and community based sessions, where your child takes part in a range of structured activities. In the soaring club there will be an emphasis on promoting independence and practising social skills in a range of settings.
These are sessions where your child stays independently cared for by the Butterflies staff.

Play & Explore Club is for children & young people ages 5-19 years who require a less structured environment.
We will be running Play & Explore
Children/ young people will be in small groups with a high support ratio, where they are supported to explore a range of activities at a pace suitable for them.
These are sessions where your child stays independently cared for by the Butterflies staff.
Family Events
We have recognised that some children and families feel more comfortable by attending sessions as a family due to a wide range of reasons. So we will be running a family events in the following areas throughout the year:
* Basildon * Brentwood * Rochford * Castlepoint *
These events will include activities such as stay & play sessions, soft play private hire sessions, seasonal celebrations, awards ceremonies and picnics.

All our clubs and activities are personalised to meet the needs of the children attending. Every child is encouraged to come to a stay & play session prior to their first session to meet Butterflies staff and take home a social story about coming to the club.
Child centred
We use a range of methods to ensure every child has a chance to voice their opinion on their activity packages and to shape the future of their clubs. Every session ends with reflection time and future sessions are built upon this feedback.
Staff and Volunteer
Activity Sessions
Club trips
Club trips
Club Celebrations
All staff and volunteers are DBS checked, receive regular safeguarding training and have up to date first aid certificates. All staff are on professional development training programs relating to their role within Butterflies.